Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Over worked and under paid--the story of so many of us.....

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I feel really over worked or maybe it is more like I WILL be feeling over worked. I currently work at a local University and I started this job last year.  I came from a steady job at another University and with my drive and determination--- I landed this opportunity.  I beat all the odds-- I was offered a job making more money in one of the most challenging economical times in my country or the world :-S.

Immediately-- I was a busy bee because my department is very under staffed.  I always had my eye on the prize,  I was told we would be hiring another person to replace the old person, so I would be busy but not pulling my hair out busy.  So during the craziest moments of my job, I felt calm knowing that in the future I would have relief. 

Recently I was informed that now they have a University wide budget cut, which means a hiring freeze.  I'm really worried now. Just knowing what is on the horizon is stressful and I will be handling a work load of two people come this fall and onward. The projects are already piling in for the next couple of months and I foresee late nights and weekends working at home.  I know, I know, I should be happy to even have a job right now.

When I accepted this position I received a 7K increase.  It's something and it should help pay the debt down. This is where I am novice saver.  I didn't save the difference in pay and I didn't pay down more of my debt.  Instead I spent more money eating out and buying household items.  I think I've come to terms with this now (FINALLY) and I realize that I need a financial planner to help organize my financial goals.   

Questions for the financial planner: What debt I should be paying more on so I can begin my journey of trying to be debt free? Or how much 403B should I be investing?  Should I even bother investing right now with the debt ceiling fiasco happening in DC? How much will I need for retirement? Should I get a 2nd job?

The second part of my plan is to really establish myself at this job and gain real diverse experience and enjoy the process of learning more.  I have always been the type to constantly look for the next best paying opportunity.  I want to make more money so I can buy more things and live more comfortably.  This is where my sick cycle starts.  I earn more money to throw out more money...

I should be happy----I landed a new job and it pays more than my former job...  I beat out applicants who are unemployed and struggling. This is where my guilt comes in.....  Why do I need more money?  I have enough money to pay bills, eat and dare I say I even have spending money.  I want to make the change and to not spend my hard earned money on frivolous items. (Or basically this increase in pay was a waste.)

So my next step is to look over all my debt (again) interest rates and all-- to really figure out my action plan.  If anyone has advice or has experience with a financial planners, I am all ears.  These financial debt blogs are helping me focus on the prize. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. It seems to be happening everywhere, cutbacks and staff freezes and downsizing. sounds like your getting your debt focus back though which is good!
