Monday, July 18, 2011

Every little bit counts.....

So my new goal, starting on Sunday (because ahem my friend Aimee made me buy ice tea for $2.44 today)  is to only spend $25.00 a week on food.

Food is my vice and it's not nice.  Tonight I looked over my bank statements and besides bills and more bills, most of my money goes to food.

Here is where I spend my money during the work week.
Cheese croissant and french press coffee (breakfast) = $ 4.15
$4.15 x 5 = $20.75 a week.
$20.75 X 4 = $83.00 a month.

Lunch gets even better.... (weekdays)
anywhere from $5.00 - $10 a day
$100 - $200 a month

Dinner during the week is much better because we tend to eat in and that saves us money.

Starting on Sunday (because we need to food shop)---I plan to only spend $25.00 on food/beverage a week. It will be difficult but with a little common sense and a lot of coupons, I think I can do it.  AS a matter of fact, I know I can do it.  I sometimes shop at Trader Joes and for $20.00 I can usually get a weeks worth of food and this includes poultry, veggies, milk and cereal.  I just need to buckle down and eat breakfast at home, bring my lunch and keep making dinner at night.

P.S.  I also eat out all the time on the weekends.  Brunch, dinner both weekend days.  Before the weekends over--- we spent $100.00 bucks on just food alone..


  1. Do you have an Aldi's near you? They have cheaper prices and are owned by the same company as Trader Joes.

  2. No I don't. Never heard of Aldi's and I wish we had one in Philadelphia... I love your blog by the way!

  3. Sorry about that!! All so I could use the restroom...

  4. $20 for a week worth of food??? Heck...we spend that in a day.

  5. We do have aldis in philly. There is one at grant and academy...and one up closer to bensalem.

    they have great sale prices

